Saturday 19 February 2011

Hawarya's interview with Ato Fassika Belete of the EPRP

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for Ato Fassika, who is the real and prominent veteran Ethiopian revolutionary for the past many decades, for his comprehensive and genuine and detailed analysis of the current situation in North Africa and its implications for the Ethiopian People's struggle.
    I can't agree more to Fassika's assessment and conclusion in regard to the answers to the questions what is to be done in Ethiopia when (it is not if) such peoples uprising and revolutionary volcano shakes the basis of the woyane regime. I strongly believe that it will explode soon and it is already at our corner, just at a stone throw away, just few miles away (see what is happening in Djibouti & Yemen).

    As Fasika explicitly put it we should stand together firm and solid against the woyane regime and its overthrow from power not only meles and his butchers but for the abolition and overthrow of the dictatorial ethnic based system as a whole and establish a genuine transitional peoples government. We should make sure and liquidate his satanic divisive tactics (using the Tigrian people as his shield from the incoming Sunami - peoples revolt).
    Most importantly, Let's remember that we have experienced and witnessed that no surrogate (the army or any unpopular force) can give birth to peoples power. Never !!

    Unite all GENUINE opposition forces!!

    Victory to the oppressed people of Ethiopia!!

    Death to ALL dictators and opportunists!!

    Tagel BeTibeb - London
